We are living in unprecedented times and are acutely aware of the impact that the Coronavirus is already having on our communities. If you are working from home, had a trip or event canceled, or are lost without your favorite sports game, I’ve put together a list of some fun things you can do as you enjoy the comfort of your home a bit more than normal.
1. Have a Game Night
Whether your self-quarantining or social distancing with your family, a traditional or digital board game is a great way to pass the time.
OR Download fun game apps such as:
2. Get Ahead of Spring Cleaning
Take this time indoors to declutter and reorganize your home or apartment. A clean environment can also promote productivity.
3. Cook Philly Staples in Your Kitchen
Bummed about your favorite restaurants taking a few weeks off? Here are some recipes you can make yourself while you anticipate their return.
4. Have an At-Home Date Night
From simple meals to movie nights here are some ideas to keep the romance alive as you enjoy each other’s company 24/7.
- 20 Romantic At-Home Date Night Ideas For Everyone
- Tacos & Tequila Night
- Take your time + make your favorites from scratch
- Sushi, Gnocchi, Ice Cream
- Start a New Show
5. Read a Book
Now is the perfect time to tackle your favorite celebrity’s best sellers list or those books you were gifted around the holidays.
6. Start Spring Home Maintenance
Take a stab at the annual spring sprucing which seems to always take a backseat to our busy schedules.
7. Brainstorm Idea’s for Home Improvement Projects
Have a project hanging over your head? Now is a great time to start planning the improvements you need to get done.
8. Workout at Home
Staying inside with no access to the gym can be challenging both physically and mentally. Here’s a few ways to get your sweat on at home.
9. Go For a Walk + Look at Nature
Staying inside for too long can make anyone a little crazy. Here are some ways to safely get outside and enjoy the fresh air.
10. Get Rest + Strengthen Your Immune System
With no morning commute or late night events you can easily catch up on some z’s and implement healthy immune strengthening practices.
Make sure to seek advice and counsel of a medical professional and/or officials prior to going outdoors or any items mentioned in the above. If you need any guidance regarding the current real estate market during this time of uncertainty please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.
Stay positive. Stay healthy. We’ll get through this!