After a week of settling into this work from home world, we’re sure you’ve noticed the many differences between your home and work offices. We’ve put together some tips to help keep you productive, focused, and organized in the weeks ahead.
Creating your space

Office Essence
When setting up your home office it’s important to recreate the essence of your normal work setting. Set up a permanent space that separates itself from the areas you associate with leisure like your couch or bedroom. By recreating the feeling of your normal office your mind is motivated to duplicate the same practices you carry out on a typical business day.
Keep it Clean
Think of your office as a reflection of your work. Staying organized and reducing clutter is proven to increase efficiency. It can also reduce stress and fatigue. Find some quick tips to tidy up your office space here
Light it Up
Lighting makes a huge difference in productivity, mood, and health. If you can set up your office space near a window. If this isn’t an option make sure you add plenty of lighting around you or even brighten the room with colorful furniture and decor. This can increase stimulation as you work.
What not to wear
Office Wear
Believe it or not what you wear can actually determine how your mind thinks. By dressing how you would on a normal day in the office you are telling your mind you mean business. Separating yourself from your typical home loungewear.
Lounge Chic
Dressing it down a few days a week is a great way to stay relaxed. Build in these casual days into your agenda. If you have a slower day or a day free from Zoom calls it’s okay to stay in those sweats a little longer.
Stick to the Status Quo

Find Your Routine
After a week or so you’ve probably noticed what times of day you are most productive. Structure your daily agenda accordingly. Setting daily and weekly goals is a great way to keep yourself accountable and stay productive.
Kid’s Corner
Many of you are not isolated alone and may be juggling entertaining or even teaching your kids during work hours. Structure your schedule around theirs. We know, much easier said than done. Try time blocking so you are able to assist them with their studies, but also set blocks where it’s your time to get work done.
Isolation Motivation
Embrace the limited traffic of the office which typically comes with the distractions of coworkers and meetings. By spending time on your own you have the power to control your schedule
Don’t Completely Disconnect
Remember you’re working from home, but there are plenty of ways to stay connected to your coworkers and clients. Keeping in constant communication with your team and coworkers is key as you all do your own thing — and seeing another friendly face during the day is a welcomed positivity boost.